Influence of different tillage and cropping systems on weeds density and crops yield under rainfed condition

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Research Paper 01/08/2015
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Influence of different tillage and cropping systems on weeds density and crops yield under rainfed condition

Mehmood-Ul-Hassan, Muhammad Azim Malik, Muhammad Ansar, Rahmatullah Qureshi, Irfan Aziz, Awais Ali
Int. J. Biosci.7( 2), 225-240, August 2015.
Certificate: IJB 2015 [Generate Certificate]


In rainfed areas main reason of poor crops stand is the weed infestation as well as mono cropping and conventional tillage practices round the year. Different tillage practices and cropping systems can suppress weeds growth and ultimately can improve crops yield. The present field experiment was conducted to assess the effect of different tillage practices and cropping system on weeds density, moisture conservation and crops yield at University Research Farm Koont Rawalpindi (Pakistan) during 2013-2015. Different tillage and cropping systems used during the experiment were T1= 3 cultivations (Drill sowing), T2= Mold board+ 2 cultivations (Drill sowing), T3= Chisel + 2 cultivations (Bed planting), and T4= Minimum tillage + Glyphosate (Drill sowing) CS1= Wheat- Fallow- Wheat Fallow, CS2 = Wheat + Brassica- Fallow- Wheat + Brassica- Fallow, CS3 = Wheat + Chickpea- Fallow- Wheat + Chickpea- Fallow, CS4 = Wheat- Guar (Green manuring) – Wheat- Guar (Green manuring) . Strip plot design was used to carry this experiment with three replications. Weed density and yield and yield components of wheat, brassica and chickpea were recorded during the experiment. The study showed that tillage treatment T2 along with cropping system CS3 followed by CS2 controls weeds population density more affectively. Whereas, yield of crops also enhanced by tillage treatment T2 along with cropping system CS3 followed by CS2.


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