Influence of egg size on optimal growth of three varieties of local guinea fowl chicks in the Hambol region (Côte d’ivoire)
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Influence of egg size on optimal growth of three varieties of local guinea fowl chicks in the Hambol region (Côte d’ivoire)
An experiment was carried out on guinea fowl at the Allasso meléagricole farm in the Hambol region of Côte d’Ivoire. The aim was to determine the influence of egg weight on reproduction and optimal growth in three local guinea fowl chick varieties. These were pearl grey, white and pearl grey with white breast varieties of guinea fowl. A total of 2012 guinea fowl eggs were collected, characterized and classified in 5g weight intervals from 30 to 50g. Four categories (C) of egg weight were selected (C1 to C4) and the incubation and growth parameters of the guinea fowl were measured according to these and the variety. Egg weight had no effect on fertility rate. Embryo and intra-shell mortality rates were higher in the lower weight categories (C1 and C2). Hatching rates were higher in the heavier weight categories (C3 and C4). The heaviest guinea fowls hatched from the heaviest eggs and showed the best growth performance, especially those of the pearl grey variety. This study therefore confirms the effect of egg weight on guinea fowl reproduction and the need to select a more resilient variety for optimum production.
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Fougnigué Olivier Coulibaly, N’golo Ouattara, Kouassi Samuel N'zue, Kolo Yeo (2025), Influence of egg size on optimal growth of three varieties of local guinea fowl chicks in the Hambol region (Côte d’ivoire); IJB, V26, N2, February, P232-240
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