Influence of feedback mechanism on health care services in health care setting and barriers to their use in Pakistan

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Influence of feedback mechanism on health care services in health care setting and barriers to their use in Pakistan

Nisha Zahid, Rehana Shinwari, Humam Dawood
Int. J. Biosci.18( 5), 182-187, May 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Healthcare settings in resource limited countries like Pakistan needs to be improved in services and all means, for that quality improvement tools are must to be implemented. It is the demand of time that constant measures should be taken for the upgradation of our healthcare system. For this purpose, feedback mechanism is an essential tool which has to be applied at all levels to get better results and patient centric delivery of services. Patient opinions have always been an integral part for the betterment of services as it will help in enhancement of the facilities according to the requirement and will of patients. In the developed countries, feedback system as the tool for quality improvement is being used since long times and it has positive effects on the impact of healthcare system there (Clancy, 2008). Therefore, we can use feedback system from patients to the hospital professionals and with that also can introduce 360 feedback mechanism for better effect. The concept of feedback needs to be willingly encompassed and cheered by clinical leadership and other participants and it will definitely bring about a change. Pakistan taken as resource poor country this QI initiative would have of great help in improving the facility for both patients and employees.


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