Influence of fluoride on the prevalence of diabetes mellitus in selected fluoride endemic areas of Tanzania

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Research Paper 01/11/2019
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Influence of fluoride on the prevalence of diabetes mellitus in selected fluoride endemic areas of Tanzania

Godson Epafra, Revocatus L. Machunda, Gabriel M. Shirima
Int. J. Biosci.15( 5), 275-281, November 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Diabetes Mellitus prevalence in developing countries and globally is on the increase due to various factors and its association with excessive fluoride contamination is not much elucidated. This study aims to determine fluoride levels in serum along with capillary fasting blood sugar levels of individuals in selected area of Ngarenanyuki ward (fluoride endemic) in Arusha region, located at the slopes of volcanic mount Meru, which is connected to East African Great Rift Valley System. A cross sectional survey was conducted to assess fluoride levels in human sera (Measured by minitype Ion-Selective Electrode) and capillary fasting blood sugar levels (Measured by Automatic glucometer) in the community, after overnight fasting and to look for its relationship. The survey was conducted whereby, 50 individuals, aged 25 years old and above volunteered and consented for fluoride levels in serum determination along with capillary fasting blood sugar test. The 32 participants enrolled were females while18 were males. The mean age of the study participants was 48.7 (13.4) years. The median (range) fasting blood sugar was 4.8 (3.0 – 14.7) mmol/l and fluoride levels in serum was 0.0543 (0.0324 – 0.2200) mg/l. The correlation between the levels of fluoride in serum and fasting blood sugar was (Pearson`s correlation coefficient (r) = – 0.0632 and p < 0.663). There was no significant correlation between fluoride levels in serum and fasting blood sugar levels. The findings indicate that fluoride levels in serum does not influence the increase of fasting blood sugar levels. Further work to include other confounders is therefore recommended in order to understand broadly the influence of fluoride in hyperglycemia.


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