Influence of L-carnitine on blood values of broiler chickens exposed to 16l:8d and 8l:16d photoperiod regimes

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Research Paper 01/12/2017
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Influence of L-carnitine on blood values of broiler chickens exposed to 16l:8d and 8l:16d photoperiod regimes

Jay P. Picardal
Int. J. Biosci.11( 6), 255-268, December 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Different photoperiod regimes demonstrate promising potential in improving carcass weight and reduction of body fat. However, attaining normal blood values in the presence of feed supplements under a certain photoperiod regime has not been explored yet in broilers. The study investigated the effects of 200 ppm L-carnitine and photoperiod on hematological values of broilers (12-day old, n=60). A 2×2 factorial design in RCBD was carried out to produce four treatment groups (15 replicates/ group); T1 = 16 hours light:8 hours dark without L-carnitine, T2 = 16L:8D with L-carnitine, T3 = 8L:16D with L-carnitine and T4 = 8L:16D without L-carnitine. At 42 days, interaction effects of photoperiod and L-carnitine were significant for RBC count, hemoglobin and packed cell volume (p<0.05). Abdominal fat was lower by 1.66% and 1.51% in L-carnitine-supplemented chickens exposed to 16L:8D and 8L:16D compared to unsupplemented treatment groups (T1 and  T4 ), respectively. Results also show that in all blood parameters studied, RBC (1.57-2.24×106/µL) was found below the reference range (2.5-3.5×106/µL) while lymphocyte differential count was higher (68.5-81.2%) than the reference range (45-70%). Eosinophil and monocyte were also found to be lower than the reference values, while hemoglobin, PCV, MCV, MCH, MCHC, heterophil, basophil, clotting time and bleeding time were within the normal range for chickens. The study concluded that supplementation of L-carnitine improved production performance as evidenced by lower % abdominal fat than an unsupplemented group. L-carnitine works better at a photoperiod of 16L:8D by improving RBC count, hemoglobin and packed cell volume (PCV).


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