Influence of physicochemical conditions on the production of lipase by Psychrophilic Bacteria Isolated from Batura Glacier, Hunza Valley, Pakistan

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Influence of physicochemical conditions on the production of lipase by Psychrophilic Bacteria Isolated from Batura Glacier, Hunza Valley, Pakistan

Irfan Ullah, Mussarat Shaheen, Muhammad Rafiq, Muhammad Maqsood-ur-Rehman, Fariha Hasan
Int. J. Biosci.12( 6), 1-11, June 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Psychrophilic lipases have great biotechnological potential and are more preferable as compared to mesophilic or thermophilic lipases, due to their high activities at lower temperatures. In the present study, four bacterial isolates (HTB1, HTB2, LTB3, and HTB6), collected from different glaciers of Pakistan, screened for their lipase producing ability. On the basis of qualitative and quantitative analysis, out of four isolates, HTB2 isolate was selected for further production and optimization of lipase. Optimization of different culture conditions (incubation time, pH, temperature, carbon and nitrogen sources and various substrates) for the maximum production of lipase from HTB2isolate, were studied in shake flask fermentation. Maximum growth of HTB2isolate and lipase production (7.6 and 25.9U/mg), was observed at pH 9 and 10ºC, after 72hrs of incubation, respectively. Tween80, was found to be the best substrate for lipase production (20.8 U/mg), in liquid medium with pH 9, at low temperature (10ºC). Addition of glucose (19.4 U/mg) and casein (15.5U/mg) enhanced lipase production and were considered as good carbon and nitrogen sources for the production of lipase.


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