Influence of physicochemical parameters on zooplankton assemblage in Lake Ossa at Dizangue (Cameroon, Central Africa)

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Influence of physicochemical parameters on zooplankton assemblage in Lake Ossa at Dizangue (Cameroon, Central Africa)

Joseph Guy Nziéleu Tchapgnouo, SiméonTchakonté, Serge Hubert Zébazé Togouet, Thomas Njiné
Int. J. Biosci.16( 5), 7-22, May 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


With the increase in anthropogenic activities, monitoring the response of hydro systems to variations in environmental parameters is an imperative for optimal management. Zooplankton is a reliable indicator of these variations, hence their study in Lake Ossa, a UNESCO protected heritage. This research aims to evaluate the influence of physicochemical parameters on the distribution of the zooplankton community in the Lake Ossa from October 2010 to October 2011. Physicochemical parameters were measured in three stations, on the water surface according to APHA and Rodier standards. Zooplanktons were collected from three levels of depth by passing thirty liters of water through a sieve of 64 microns’ mesh. The Organic Pollution Index (OPI) has been calculated and the relationships between environmental variables and the distribution and dynamic of the zooplankton community performed by the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), based on the data matrix of zooplankton abundances. The recorded values of parameters expressing the degree of physicochemical pollution of the waters were 16.64±2.41 FTU, 8.70±1.68 mg.L-1 and 101.35±11.86 Pt.Co in the rainy season, 22.25±1.96 FTU, 12.25±3.08 mg.L-1 and 105.75±13.51 Pt.Co in the dry season. The OPI gives a value of 3.00 which marks the limit between the classes of moderate and strong organic pollution. The results of the PCA show that the Lake Ossa is subject to a seasonality effect expressed by warm and better oxygenated water during the dry season, turbid water at the beginning of the rainy season, and strongly mineralized water at the end of the rainy season. In general, in the Lake Ossa, the most important biomasses were mainly those of rotifers (70 %, principally in the dry season) and nauplii larvae (principally in the rainy season).


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