Influence of pre-slaughter rest duration on carcass and meat quality of indigenous chicken stressed by capture chase
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Influence of pre-slaughter rest duration on carcass and meat quality of indigenous chicken stressed by capture chase
Mastering the influence of pre-slaughter stress on animal products is importance. This study aimed to improve carcass and meat qualities of local chicken from traditional breeding system slaughtered after capture stress. Forty-eight local chickens of 6-7 months divided into four homogenous groups were used. Chickens of group A were not chased before slaughter while groups B, C and D chickens underwent respectively 4, 2 and 0 hours of rest following 15 minutes of capture chase. Carcass, meat organoleptic and technological qualities were evaluated. Wings yield was higher in chickens immediately slaughtered after catching than in control chickens and those rested for 2 and 4 hours, which showed similar values (p < 0.001). Control breast pH was similar to those of 2 and 4 hours of rest with higher values than chickens slaughtered without rest at 1, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 hours (p<0,05). In the thigh at 24 hours, chickens slaughtered without rest had the highest pH and the control had the lowest, similar to that of 4-hour rest chickens. In the breast on the slaughter day, birds without rest had higher meat lightness, yellow index and chroma than the other three groups which were similar. In males, the meat global acceptance of control chickens was lower than those of 2 and 4-hour rest chickens but similar to that of chickens immediately slaughtered. Thus, after a capture chase stress of 15 minutes, 2 and 4 hours of rest start to improve meat organoleptic and technological qualities in local chicken.
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Assouan Gabriel Bonou, Hoeness Inaudi Nassi Guidi, Kocou Aimé Edenakpo, Serge Gbênagnon Ahounou, Kafui Almaz Giovanni Atinmadjegangni, Chakirath Folakè Arikè Salifou, Issaka Abdou Karim Youssao (2025), Influence of pre-slaughter rest duration on carcass and meat quality of indigenous chicken stressed by capture chase; IJAAR, V26, N2, February, P19-32
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