Influence of riparian vegetation on living organisms: a case study of Dharabi watershed and Kallar Kahar Regions in Pakistan

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Influence of riparian vegetation on living organisms: a case study of Dharabi watershed and Kallar Kahar Regions in Pakistan

Dilawar Khan, Gao lushuang, Huaguo Huang, Sher Shah, Sajjad Saeed, Saleem Uddin, Muhammad Nabi, Abubakar Sadiq Ibrahim, Emad Ud Din, Muhammad Amir
Int. J. Biosci.14( 2), 360-372, February 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


This study examined the influence of riparian vegetation on living organisms in Dharabi watershed and Kallar Kahar Lake. Riparian vegetation playing a key role in the maintains of biodiversity, such as providing: strengthens stream bank, captures fine sediment, filters out pollutants, increases infiltration, utilizes excess nutrients, provides food and shelter for fish and wildlife and reduces flood damage. The results show that Riparian vegetation in the area consists of typha elephantine, Phragmites kiraka, Saccharum spontaneum. The objective of the study was to find out the influence of riparian vegetation and the role of Riparian vegetation in the water cleaning process of Dharabi watershed and Kallar Kahar Lake. 84 species reported in the study area and five plant communities recognized in the Dharabi watershed on the basis of IVI by using line transect sampling methods which are Crysopogon, Cynodon, Gymnosporea, Acacia, and Conyza. However, the top three highest IVl value plant community Schoenoplectus, Phragmites and Cynodon was identified in western of the Kallar Kahar Lake. The studies also revealed that in the recreational area there was a major contribution of garbage disposable material such as Paraffin, Plastics of soft drinks and disposable meals packages. However, in the domestic area, the waste of material and garbage were daily home used material like shopping bags, newspaper or other household things. The overall effect of the garbage on the vegetation is very significant. The study also points out that bird diversity is less in that place where the relative garbage ratio is greater.


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