Influence of topography on the recovery of vegetation in a logging forest of Yingui, Cameroon

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Influence of topography on the recovery of vegetation in a logging forest of Yingui, Cameroon

Ndjocke Olivia Stéphanie, Priso Richard Jules, Nnanga-Mebenga Ruth Laure, Biye Elvire, Jean-Louis Fobane, Ndongo Din
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 3), 147-157, March 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The recovery of vegetation after degradation is a major preoccupation for natural resources conservation. The regeneration could be hindered due to logging activities which include logs skidding trails into the forest. These activities thus compact the soils and remove their covering (i.e. vegetation), making them vulnerable to erosion. The present study aimed to evaluate the impact of ground slope on the renewal of vegetation due to erosion in tropical logging forest. The study was carried out on logging roads and parks in Yingui, situated between the Littoral and Center regions of Cameroon. Plots of 5 × 20 m2 were established at various levels of slope from 0% to 20%whereplants species communities were identified and their diversity were calculated. A total of 186 species belonging to 166 genera included in 72 families were recorded. The high species richness was found at 0%, and this index was two time higher in logging roads than on parks. The average diversity was low at the parks (H’=2.60), and high (H’=4.44) at 5% of slope. It was in logging roads at middle slope (10% of slope) that we found the best plant recovery (80-90%), because of lowest soil loss and therefore less erosion. Woody plant was the most represented life form and the most dominant species on the study area were Ipomoea involucrata P. Beauv. The recovery of vegetation was also influence by the presence of seed trees along the logging roads and ploughing of compacted soils in the parks.


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