Influence of tree rejuvenation, IPNM and VA-Mycorrhizal fungi on shoot emergence, yield and fruit quality of Psidium guajava under farmers field condition

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Research Paper 01/11/2012
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Influence of tree rejuvenation, IPNM and VA-Mycorrhizal fungi on shoot emergence, yield and fruit quality of Psidium guajava under farmers field condition

K. K. Chandra, S. K. Pandey, Ajay K. Singh
Int. J. Biosci.2( 11), 9-17, November 2012.
Certificate: IJB 2012 [Generate Certificate]


The present study was conducted during 2007 to 2010 in 15 year old guava orchards at Chandauli (U.P.) India. The selected trees were headed back (Rejuvenated) from 1.5 – 2.0m height from ground level applied IPNM, VAM fungi alone and in combination just after rejuvenation and to compare the response from unrejuvenated tree practiced by farmers of guava var. Allahabadi safeda L. There was 56.44% gap in technology adoption and farmers practice resulted in low yield with poor fruit quality. The rejuvenated guava tree applied IPNM and VAM was found to be most effective enhancing emergence of new shoots (3.76 fold) fruit weight (1.89 fold) and TSS (1.11fold). The fruit yield recorded 140.55% higher in trees with IPNM and VAM followed by IPNM and VAM over the yield of control. The nutrients content in different treatment were also found significantly higher compared to control. The VAM fungi significantly increased the uptake of N, P, Mg, Zn, Cu and Fe over control. The root infection was examined 66.5% and 72.55% in trees inoculated with IPNM+VAM and VAM respectively and 13.5% in control without inoculation. BCR of FP was followed decreasing trend while BCR of rejuvenated trees with IPNM and VAM was in increasing trend. The cost of rejuvenation of guava tree observed higher and yield was lower in initial year results lower BCR but just in 3 years of rejuvenation the BCR increased 2.37 fold, 2.12 fold and 2 fold with IPNM+VAM, IPNM and VAM respectively than control plot.


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