Influence of various photoperiods on enhancing the flowering time in chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium)

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Influence of various photoperiods on enhancing the flowering time in chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium)

Muhammad Sajid, Noor Ul Amin, Hakim Khan, Asif Rehman, Ijaz Hussain
Int. J. Biosci.8( 2), 115-123, February 2016.
Certificate: IJB 2016 [Generate Certificate]


The experiment was conducted to evaluate the impact of various photoperiods on plant height, number of branches, leaves, suckers, flowers per plant, leaf area, days to flowering, flower size, flower fresh weight and blooming period. The photoperiods studied include control (natural light hours), 12 hour, 10.5 hour, 9 hour and 7.5 hour. Terminal cuttings were planted in 28 cm pots individually on 5th March. On 2nd May, plants were covered with black cotton cloth fixed on boxes (each box having 240 cm length, 120 cm width and 120 cm height) to create dark effect. All the pots were placed in the greenhouse where temperature ranging 20 to 25oC under the cloth boxes to create different regimes of photoperiods. Data indicated that 9 hour photoperiod was superior with days to flowering (121 days), and flower size (4.8 cm), than the rest of photoperiods. Moreover 9 hour photoperiod produced less branches (6.5), suckers (3.7), number of flowers (8), number of leaves (24) and blooming period (27 days). Amongst the other photoperiods, 10.5 hour daily light interval performed well and was close to 9 hour daily light interval with days to flowering (129 days), flower size (4.9 cm) and flower fresh weight (3.3 g). It was concluded that 9 hour photoperiod was superior closely followed by 10.5 hour photoperiod which produced flowers off season with prolonged flowering time.


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