Influence of water stress and rhizobial inoculation on growth and yield of selected common bean cultivars (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

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Influence of water stress and rhizobial inoculation on growth and yield of selected common bean cultivars (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

Eutropia V. Tairo, Kelvin M. Mtei, Patrick A. Ndakidemi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 2), 164-178, August 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Two season’s field experiment and single season screen house experiment were conducted to assess the effect of water stress periods and rhizobial inoculation in five P. vulgaris cultivars. The experiment consisted of two levels of rhizobia (with and without inoculation), two stress levels (with and without water stress) and five cultivars of P. vulgaris (KAT B9, KAT B1, F9 Kidney Selection, F8 Drought line and JESCA). Results showed that rhizobial inoculation significantly increased plant height (cm), leaf area (cm2), shoot and root dry weight (g-1 plant) and seed yields (kg-1 ha) at vegetative and flowering in field experiment. Furthermore, water stress treatments significantly reduced plant height (cm), stem diameter (mm), shoot and root dry weight (g-1 plant) and seed yields (kg-1 ha) in both growth stages at field experiment. For screen house experiment rhizobial inoculation significantly increased leaf area (cm2), number of leaves, stem girth (mm), shoot and root dry weight (g-1 plant) at both growth stages. Additionally, water stress treatments significantly reduced number of leaves, stem diameter (mm), shoot and root dry weight (g-1 plant) in both growth stages. Varieties F9 Kidney Selection, F8 Drought Line and JESCA had significantly superior measurements reflected in increased plant height (cm), shoot and root dry weight (g-1 plant) and seed yields (kg-1 ha) as compared with KAT B9 and KAT B1. Furthermore, significant interactive effects were also seen between rhizobial inoculation x stress level and tested bean cultivars on plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter, shoot dry weight and seed yields.


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