Influence of Weather, Time and Pollution Level on Amount of Particulate Matter Placed on the Leaves of Nerium oleander and Ligustrum lucidum Grown along the Roadsides of Quetta City

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Research Paper 01/10/2021
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Influence of Weather, Time and Pollution Level on Amount of Particulate Matter Placed on the Leaves of Nerium oleander and Ligustrum lucidum Grown along the Roadsides of Quetta City

Sher Muhammad, Saadullah Khan Leghari, Palwasha Amanullah, Shamim Gul, Shazia Saeed, Alia Ahmad, Allah Bakhsh Gulshan, Fasial Hussain Leghari, Basira Sher
Int. J. Biosci.19( 4), 19-31, October 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


The PM accumulation process by plants is quite energetic, and even after one day, fluctuations in PM load on foliage can be significant. Rain and, to a lesser extent, wind influenced PM deposition on leaves, with the latter being more species-specific. This research explored the temporal and spatial variations in the concentrations of Particulate Matter (PM) collected on two evergreen plant species (Nerium oleander and Ligustrum lucidum) leaves commonly grown along with the roadside Quetta city Balochistan, Pakistan. The impact of wind and rain on the quantity of PM collected on vegetation was investigated. The PM (g⋅m−2) concentrations held by N. oleander and L. lucidum leaves considerably varied among the places (from 7.70 – 10.7 & 6.24 – 9.53) with significant variation and over time (from 5.94 – 18.0 & 5.32 – 16.5). The highest PM concentrations on the foliage of N. oleander and L. lucidum growing at the most contaminated site, Saryab road, were determined.  The largest and lowest levels of accumulation PM followed in August and January, respectively, throughout the year. Rainfall events eliminated a significant percentage of the accumulated PM on leaves (30%, 42% and 55% of PM from leaves of N. oleander and 40, 62 and 95% from L. lucidum leaves) and strong winds (20%. 35% and 47% of PM N. oleander and 25%, 45% and 71% from L. lucidum), It’s also possible that heavier precipitation or a higher maximum wind speed will help to eliminate more PM from the leaves. Rainfall primarily cleared coarse and large particles, but small fragments clung to the foliage more tenaciously. These findings suggested that when assessing total PM accumulation on leaves, the influence of regional weather circumstances (such as strong wind or rainfall), altered seasons, and levels of pollution should be judged.


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