Influences of phytohormones in plant nutrient cultures of in-vitro multiplying banana plantlets alters the cellular biocontents

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Research Paper 01/11/2017
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Influences of phytohormones in plant nutrient cultures of in-vitro multiplying banana plantlets alters the cellular biocontents

Ikram-ul-Haq, Nazia Parveen Gill, Sajid Ali, Noor e Saba Khaskheli, Abdul Ghaffar
Int. J. Biosci.11( 5), 301-308, November 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Banana is an important fruit as well as staple food crop. Its production is decreasing by the infection of a number of inter and intra-cellular pathogens. Banana micropropagation under in-vitro is being a possible way for development of pathogen free plants. In this experiment, banana (cv., Basrai) multiplication was optimized and certain biochemical analysis was performed among the organogenesis and plant multiplication cultures of banana. Maximum plantlets were propagated when meristematic micro-stem cuttings were cultured for organogenesis on MS2 medium supplemented with 10µM 6-Benzyleaminopurine (BAP), 15µM Indole aceticacid (IAA) and solidified with 0.36% phytagel. After 3rd week of incubation, cultures were sub-cultured on MS3 (10 µM BAP, 0.12% phytagel) for shoot induction (for 2- weeks) than for plant or shoot multiplication was carried on MS4 (8µM BAP, 0.2% phytagel) medium (for 4-weeks). Organogenesis process was induced under a specific combination of hormonal (IAA and BAP) stress, while plant multiplication (without IAA) occurs with the elevation of IAA stress due to the adjustment of specific biocontents among the cultured tissues. Likely to that plant biomass, Chl a/Chl b and K+/Cl ratios were increase (p 0.05) while Chl ab/carotenoids and Na+ and K+ ratios (p 0.05) were decreased among organogenesis cultures than plant shoot multiplication cultures. Meanwhile, developed plantlets through this protocol has shown normal plant growth under ex-vitro environment.


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