Inheritance studies of some quantitative traits in onion (Allium cepa L.)

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Inheritance studies of some quantitative traits in onion (Allium cepa L.)

Ibrahim B. Gashua, S.Y. Simon, L.U. Bashir, A.M. Kadams
Int. J. Biosci.3( 4), 135, April 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Inheritance studies for some onion quantitative traits namely plant height, number of leaves, bulb yield, bolting rate and soluble solid content were carried out to evaluate genetic parameters such as genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variability, heritability, genotypic and phenotypic correlation coefficient, and genotypic and phenotypic variances in onion cultivar using half-sib family intra-class correlation and selection response. The result indicates the existence of high genetic variability within the families studied with high negative heritability in some yield traits such as soluble solid content which shows the preponderance of this trait when selecting this type of local cultivar for breeding.


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