INNSpub Author Services


INNSpub also work for being more professional and get perfection in language and grammar for scientific article writing and vigorous publications of the research paper for scientific communities and academicians. We provide certification of the service provided upon request.


  • English Language Editing

The purpose of the INNSpub author services is to ensure the quality of research articles submitted. It will serve as the quality assurance mechanism for journals submitted to IJB, JBES, IJAAR, IJBB and IJMM. High-quality journals indexed in clarivate analytics such as IJB and JBES must offer these author services.

English language editing
Sometimes, language deficiencies alone, rather than the quality of the science, can prevent the publication of a research article. For editors and reviewers to accurately assess the work presented in your manuscript you need to ensure the English language is of sufficient quality to be understood. If you need help with writing in English you should consider that matter. Our goal is to help non-native English speakers reach a high level of excellence in their writing that matches the high standard set by English language scientific journals. INNSpub Language Editing service helps researchers eliminate language barriers and see their work recognized and published in leading scientific journals worldwide. With INNSpub Language Editing service, papers are matched to editors with relevant subject matter experts who will fix typographical errors, correct grammar and punctuation, and rephrase with text that is accurate, concise and clear. All of our language editors are native English speakers with long-term experience writing, editing, and reviewing scientific and technical documents. They have advanced degrees (PhD) or professional and educational backgrounds, and there is an editor for every discipline, including natural sciences, biology, medicine and health.

Our editors will

  • Recommend appropriate words and phrasing
  • Improve the ambiguous syntax
  • Fix typographical errors
  • Correct inaccurate grammar, spelling, and punctuation

Clients will receive

  • Improvements to the text for a clearer and more concise manuscript style
  • In-text commentary to clarify, explain and resolve language issues with the author
  • A track-changed Word document for review and revision
  • Quality control and editorial oversight of your manuscript by a senior associate editor

The language editor will provide the report of the article and be sent to the managing editor, The author will be informed of the plagiarism results of the articles before proceeding for acceptance.

Plagiarism Checking Service
INNSpub deliver plagiarism report of scientific and academic manuscript with fewer service charge

Time frame
1-7 business days

Language editor
Gilbert C. Magulod Jr., PhD
INNSpub language editor

English language editing service and Plagiarism checking service fees (Downloads)

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Results will be given after One to Saven (1-7) working days.

Research Paper Publication
INNSpub operates five reputed Open access global Journal. [ Get more information about Journals ]

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