Integrated application of mineral fertilizer with farmyard and poultry manures on the growth and yield of cotton

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Research Paper 01/04/2019
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Integrated application of mineral fertilizer with farmyard and poultry manures on the growth and yield of cotton

Muneer Ahmed, Fateh Chand Oad, Shahmir Ali kalhoro, Muhammad Rashid, Muhammad Ramzan, Mehar un Nisa Narejo, Aftab Ahmed Mahar, Fahad Ali Kalhoro
Int. J. Biosci.14( 4), 45-54, April 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Organic manures are considered as environment friendly approach, easy to use, having low cost, and capable of renewed foundation of plant nutrients. The purpose of using organic manures to improve fibre quality, keep environment safe and degradation shelter of soil. Field study was conducted to evaluate the effect of integrated application of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) with farmyard manure (FYM) and poultry manure (PM) on cotton productivity and fiber worth. Treatments were arranged in randomized complete block design with three replications as, T1= control (no manure and NP), T2 = 112-56 NP kg ha-1, T3 = FYM 10 Mg+1/2 dose NP kg ha-1, T4= FYM 15 Mg+1/2 dose NP kg ha-1, T5= FYM 20 Mg+1/2 dose NP kg ha-1, T6= PM 10 Mg+1/2 dose NP kg ha-1, T7= PM 15 Mg+1/2 dose NP kg ha-1 and T8= PM 20 Mg+1/2 dose NP kg ha-1. The organic manures were incorporated 45 days before sowing. The results of current study showed the significant superiority of PM 20 Mg+1/2 dose NP kg ha-1compared to other treatments. Furthermore; the results recorded taller plants (111 cm), more number of branches plant-1 (17.7), more number of open bolls plant-1 (27.2), maximum seed cotton yield (2573 kg ha-1), higher ginning out turn (35.2 %), heavier seed index (9.92 g) and better staple length (28.5 mm). This research concluded that the integration of PM with NP fertilizer (PM 20 Mg+1/2 dose NP kg ha-1) could be the best approach for enhancing and sustainability of cotton production.

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