Integrated use of MSWC and phosphorus for improving productivity of rice-wheat rotation in salt affected soils

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Research Paper 01/03/2017
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Integrated use of MSWC and phosphorus for improving productivity of rice-wheat rotation in salt affected soils

M. Sarfraz, M. A. Qureshi, S. M. Mehdi, M. A. Zaka, Asifa Naz, Mahrana Ehsan, M. Q. Nawaz, M. Rizwan
Int. J. Biosci.10( 3), 54-62, March 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Salt affected soils are widely spread around the globe and recognized as threat for food security due to low crop productivity. Salts can be ameliorated chemically or biologically. Organic/biological amendments improve the granulation, water holding capacity, infiltration rate and hydraulic conductivity besides leaching salts. Field experiments were carried out to investigate the usefulness of integrated nutrient management approach in moderately salt affected soils. Inorganic and organic sources of plant nutrients were used in rice-wheat cropping system. Comprehensive survey was carried out to select the site for rice-wheat rotation in permanent layout. Results revealed that combined application of municipal solid waste compost (MSWC) with mineral fertilizer i.e. site specific use of mineral fertilizer with MSWC in 80:20 ratio and integrated use of chemical fertilizers with MSWC in 80:20 ratio enhanced paddy / grain yield and improved the fertility status of the soil. Site specific and integrated use of chemical fertilizer with MSWC in 80:20 ratio produced the highest biomass/paddy and biomass/grain yield i.e. 11.73/2.79and 5.48/2.65 Mg ha-1at Jhugian Pir, District Hafizabad, respectively. Pre and post-harvest soil analysis was carried after transplanting / sowing of each crop. Integrated and site specific use of MSWC slightly reduced the pHs,ECe and SAR compared to the initial status of soil while organic matter, available P, extractable K and Zn was enhanced from the initial values. A slight increase in heavy metals such as Co, Cu and Pb was observed with the application of MSWC.


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