Integrated weed management in maize under different tillage regimes

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Research Paper 01/06/2017
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Integrated weed management in maize under different tillage regimes

Haroon Ur Rashid, Ayub Khan, Gul Hassan, Muhammad Saeed, Sami Ullah Khan Shah Masaud Khan, Sher AslamKhan, Muhammad Zamin
Int. J. Biosci.10( 6), 223-231, June 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


To explore the utilization of allelopathic plants (Sorghum bicolor, Sunflower and Parthenium) surface mulches and water extracts combined with reduce dose of herbicide under different tillage regimes (minimum, conventional and deep tillage) as an effective, economical and ecofriendly weed management tool in spring maize, field experiments were carried out during 2014 and repeated in 2015 at Agriculture Research Station Swabi, Pakistan. The experiments were laid out in RCBD with split plot arrangements and replicated thrice. 3 Tillage regimes were assigned to Main plots, while 12 weed control measures were assigned to sub plots. Maize hybrid ‘Pioneer 3025’ was sown by maintaining plant-plant distance of 15 cm and row-row distance of 75 cm. Data were recorded on weed density 30 DAS, Plant height kernel yield. The data showed that Tillage and all allelopathic extracts and mulch treatments had significant effect (P<0.05) on weed density 30 DAS, plant height and Kernel yield Among the Tillage x weed management interactions Mulch treatments under conventional tillage were superior than aqueous extracts and recommended at razine application, which encourages the exploitation of alleopathic plants as surface mulches for sustainable weed management in maize. Hence it is concluded that allelopathic plants surface mulches could reduce weed density which ultimately increased the 1000 kernel weight.


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