Integrating digital health into medical curricula: A review of current practices and future directions

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Research Paper 04/12/2023
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Integrating digital health into medical curricula: A review of current practices and future directions


This literature review critically examines the integration of digital health education within medical school curricula. Despite advancements toward patient-centered care, a significant gap persists in adequately preparing future healthcare professionals for the digital age. Through a systematic analysis of recent literature, this review explores the current state of digital health education, revealing substantial deficiencies in content and literacy. Key benefits such as improved patient outcomes, healthcare delivery, innovation, and interdisciplinary collaboration are highlighted. Conversely, the review identifies major challenges, including faculty readiness, curricular integration, resource limitations, and resistance to change. Pedagogical strategies like blended learning, problem-based learning, simulation, and continuous feedback mechanisms are discussed as means to enhance digital health education. The review also addresses assessment methods and student perceptions, underscoring the need for hands-on experience and integration of digital health into clinical practice. Recommendations for future directions include developing partnerships with technology companies, creating standardized digital health competencies, and updating curricula to include ethical considerations of digital technologies. This comprehensive overview elucidates the importance of equipping medical students with digital competencies to navigate the evolving healthcare landscape effectively.


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