Interaction between the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita and the damping-off agent, Pythium aphanidermatum on African eggplant under shelter

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Research Paper 01/05/2021
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Interaction between the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita and the damping-off agent, Pythium aphanidermatum on African eggplant under shelter

Boubacar Kola Touré, Ibrahima Yattara, Yacouba Maïga, Abdourhamane Issoufou Kollo, Haougui Adamou, Mohamed Maïga
Int. J. Biosci.18( 5), 115-123, May 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


A sheltered interaction study was conducted to evaluate the effect of the simultaneous presence of the Meloidogyne incognita gall nematode and Pythium aphanidermatum on the African eggplant variety UVPP. The work was undertaken on a completely random device. The work consisted in comparing the effect of combined treatment (Pythium + Meloidogyne), treatments with Pythium alone and Meloidogyne alone to an absolute control treatment without nematode or fungus. The damage caused by the pathogens taken individually is lower than those generated by the parasite complex. Simultaneous inoculation of Meloidogyne and P aphanidermatum revealed an antagonistic effect on plant mortality caused by the fungus and the severity of root galls caused by nematodes. 67% of plant mortality was noted in Pythium alone treatment compared to 33% for Pythium + Meloidogyne treatment.


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