Interaction genetic x environment putatif mutant lines tomato M5 on two agro ecosystems

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Research Paper 01/05/2017
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Interaction genetic x environment putatif mutant lines tomato M5 on two agro ecosystems

Muhammad Roiyan Romadhon, Surjono Hadi Sutjahjo, Desta Wirnas
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.10( 5), 102-112, May 2017.
Certificate: IJAAR 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Tomato is a very important horticultural commodities in Indonesian. Tomato plants grow in the Highlands to the lowlands. Tomato fruit production in the Highlands is higher than production in the lowlands due to interaction genetic x environment. The existence of interactions genetic x environment causes a change of the production of a mutant line. The aim of this research is to know the interaction genetic x environment on putatif mutant lines and The lines which has a great adaptation on two test environments. The research was carried out at the Experimental Farm, Lembang, Bandung and at the Experimental Farm, Dramaga, Bogor. The genetic material used as many as 17 putatif mutant lines M5 and 6 comparisons are Opal, Berlian, Zamrud, Tora, Ratna, and Aceh 5. The experiment results show that the presence of interaction genetic x environment effect on real characters of plant height, fruit weight per plant, percentage weight of cracking fruit, percentage number of cracking fruit, the number fruit per plant, and c raking fruit index. The most percentage weight of cracking fruitat Bogor about 0.00-85.34% compared to that in the Lembang about 0.00-19.51%. The line M5/495 Berlian (U2) 4-1-2-5 has the highest productivity and can adapt in a test environment. The putatif mutan lines such as M5/495 GL 2-8-10-5 (U2) 5, M5/495 Lombok 1-2-2-7 (U1), M5/495 6-4-3-7 Kefa (U1), M5/495 STBBK 1-2-3-2 (U3), M5/495 STBGL 1-2-3-7 (U3), M5/990 STBGL 1-2-9-1 (U2), and M5/990 Kudamati 1-1-1-5 (U3) has a good environment adaptability test of Bogor.


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