Interrelationships between morphometric variables and total weight in male fish Chondrostoma regium (Heckel, 1843) evaluated by path analysis in Ghamasiab river Kermansha, Iran

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Research Paper 01/12/2013
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Interrelationships between morphometric variables and total weight in male fish Chondrostoma regium (Heckel, 1843) evaluated by path analysis in Ghamasiab river Kermansha, Iran

Keyvan Ghanbary, Mojtaba Poria, Fathali Nouri, Farshad Ejraee, Poria Heshmatzad
Int. J. Biosci.3( 12), 120-126, December 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


The objective of this study was to verify which morphometric measures and their ratios are more directly associated with the Total weight yields in male fish of Chondrostoma regium. A total of 153 samples of male fish (Chondrostoma regium) from Ghamasiab River with average total weight of 73.47 g ± 2.81 g. were sampled, weighed, measured, and studied for morphometric and their ratios and processing yield analysis. The morphometric measures taken were: total weight (TW g), total length (TL mm), standard length (SL mm), and fork length (FL mm). For completeness, the following morphometric ratios were calculated: SL/TL, FL/TL and FL/SL. the phenotypic correlations analysis between total weight and morphometric measurements and their ratios showed that total weight was significant positively correlated with other morphometric measurements. The TL (0.950**), SL (0.952**), FL (0.941**) and ratios SL/TL (0.246**) was highly positively significantly correlated with total weight. These correlations were later deployed in direct and indirect effects through path analysis, and the direct and indirect contributions of each variable were measured in percentage terms. The SL, FL measures by the direct effect and TL measures and TL/SL ratios by the indirect effect were important for determining the total weight of male fish in this species.


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