Introduction of mirtenal as an indicator component in essential oil of Cuminum cyminum Isfahan variety

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Research Paper 01/11/2013
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Introduction of mirtenal as an indicator component in essential oil of Cuminum cyminum Isfahan variety

F. Moraghebi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 11), 112-117, November 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) is one of the most important medicinal and aromatic plants which has high economic value in spite of its low yield. The seeds of Cuminum cyminum Isfahan variety were treated by six levels of chemical fertilizers and their essential oil was extracted by Clevenger. The essential oil yield was varied between 1.84% up to 5.06%. The essential oil was analyzed by GC/MS and their component was determined by use of Wiley electronic and NIST special libraries. There were seven major components with different percentage in different treatments. Major components were myrtenal (% 28-%43.5), b-pinene ( %4.2-%20.65) , p-cymene (%4.4-%10.7), g-terpinene ( %13.65-%23.08), pulgen ( trace- %7.46), Cumin aldehyde ( 16.59-27.8%) and p-menta,1-7,3al (%2.25-%9.6) .The high percentage of aldehyde in essential oil shows its suitable quality. In order to identify the essential oil of Cumin Isfahan variety from others, it could be referred to large amount of mirtenal as an indicator.


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