Inventory of plant parasitic nematodes of cultivated solanaceae in Côte D’ivoire: case of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

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Research Paper 01/02/2021
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Inventory of plant parasitic nematodes of cultivated solanaceae in Côte D’ivoire: case of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

Kakou Didier Junior, Amari Ler-N’ogn Dadé Georges Elisée, Tienebo Eric-Olivier, N’guessan Aya Carine, Camara Brahima, Pakora Gilles Alex, Abo Kouabenan, Kone Daouda
Int. J. Biosci.18( 2), 61-71, February 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Vegetable crops in Côte d’Ivoire, particularly tomato crops, are attacked by several pests, especially nematodes that cause yield losses. This study’s objectivewas to uncover the plant-parasitic nematodes of tomato that remain unknown to Ivorian market gardeners. Therefore, a study on the diversity of the tomato-associated nematode population was conducted in six of the seven agro-ecological zones of Côte d’Ivoire as defined by Halle and Bruzon. Fifty-seven soil and tomato root samples were taken from fields in the surveyed localities at 10 to 30 cm depths. Nematodes in the soil samples were extracted using the modified Baerman method. Those contained in the root samples were extracted by the centrifugal flotation method. After extraction, the nematodes were counted and identified. The analysis of diversity revealed five genera of parasitic nematodes associated withtomato plants: Meloidogyne, Radopholus, Pratylenchus, which are endoparasites, and Rotylenchulus and Helicotylenchus, which are ectoparasites.The genus Meloidogyne was the most frequent and most abundant of all these, given its prevalence in all the surveyed localities. The localities that recorded the highest nematode densities were Yamoussoukro (YAK), Seguela (SEG), Songon (SON), and M’Batto (MBA). This study points to the need for effective and sustainable control strategies to prevent significant yield declines in tomato crops.


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