Investigate of bio-mechanical method on carbon sequestration and macro-element concentration in soil and plant

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Research Paper 01/06/2017
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Investigate of bio-mechanical method on carbon sequestration and macro-element concentration in soil and plant


Biological management and mechanical practice are available for controlling soil erosion, therefore, soil management practice, which accretion of organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus and it can help in improving soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus over time. This study investigated that the potential of carbon sequestration, total nitrogen and phosphorus stock in soil and biomass of Agropyron desertorum as construction broad-base terrace by the pit-seeding method (bio-mechanical method) for improving capture of organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. This study, conducted in split-plots based on completely block randomized design with three replication. Soil sampling were collected from 0 to 10, 10 to 20 and 20 to 40cm depth and Walkley and Black’s methods were used for measuring of soil organic carbon. The amount of aboveground and underground biomass of plant sample were calculated by cutting and weighing the aerial parts (leaves, stem) and roots. Stock of carbon in plant was determined by using the ash method. The results of this research show that application of construction broad-base terrace by the pit-seeding method in carbon sequestration (CS), soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) and adsorption phosphorous (AP) are effective. In addition, CS, SOC, TN and AP in soil surface (0 to 10cm) is higher than depth of soil specially, when construction broad-base terrace by the pit-seeding method was applied. Based on the results, it appeared that the largest percentage of distribution total organic carbon, total nitrogen and adsorption phosphorous had been reserved in parts of plant and soil, respectively. The result of this research reveal the paying more attention to the role of bio-mechanical method was conservation method in reducing the rate of increase in atmospheric CO2 and increasing productivity of soil, particularly in many areas with degraded soils.


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