Investigating the release of phosphorus from rock phosphate pretreated with humic acid, farm yard manure and effective microbes

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Research Paper 01/12/2018
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Investigating the release of phosphorus from rock phosphate pretreated with humic acid, farm yard manure and effective microbes

Muhammad Shakir Farooq, Arshad Nawaz, Tanveer Iqbal, Imran Hassan, Muhammad Umair, Muhammad Arif, Ehsanullah, Mohammad Naseem, Noman shakoor
Int. J. Biosci.13( 6), 36-42, December 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Rock phosphate is a cheap source of soil P but it is not solublized in alkaline soils when applied directly. An incubation experiment was conducted in laboratory to assess the release of P from rock phosphate (RP) applied alone or in combination with humic acid (HA), farm yard manure (FYM) and effective microbes (EM) during 2016. Treatments included (T1) control, (T2); RP applied at 90 mg P2O5 ha-1 (T3); HA at 3 mg kg-1, (T4); FYM  at 5 g kg-1, (T5); EM at 1 mL kg-1, (T6): RP+HA, (T7); RP+FYM, (T8); RP+EM, (T9); RP+HA+FYM, (T10); RP+HA+EM, (T11); RP+FYM+EM, (T12); RP+FYM+HA+EM and (T13) SSP fertilizer at 90 mg P2O5 ha-1. The treatments were added in one kg soil in pots following CRD with three replications. The pots were placed in incubators at 25% moisture and 30°C temperature respectively. AB-DTPA extractable P (PAB) and water soluble P (PWS) were determined in the soil at 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 days of incubation whereas pH, EC, lime and organic matter were determined only at the end of study. It was noted that sole application of HA, FYM and EM yielded higher PAB, 4.22, 4.76, 4.03 mg kg-1 respectively while Pws from these treatments was 0.95, 0.88, 0.95 mg kg-1 respectively. RP+HA+FYM+EM gave the highest value of AB-DTPA extractable P (4.96 mg kg-1) and water soluble (1.69 mg L-1) at the end of incubation time. This treatment also suggested the optimum combination for higher release of P from rock phosphate and keeping it in available form in soil.


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