Investigation into anthropogenic pressures and assessment of ethnobotanical insights regarding Berberis spp. across traditional landscape of Karakorum Mountain Ranges

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Investigation into anthropogenic pressures and assessment of ethnobotanical insights regarding Berberis spp. across traditional landscape of Karakorum Mountain Ranges

Tika Khan, Imtiaz Ahmed Khan, Abdul Rehman, Maisoor Ahmed Nafees, Rehmat Karim
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 4), 445-452, October 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Present study was aimed at assessment of anthropogenic pressures and documentation of ethnobotanical wisdom regarding Berberis species in traditional landscape of Karakoram Mountain Ranges. Cultural transformation has drastically declined ethnobotanical wisdom and human negligence and increasing pressures have made Berberis threatened (n=102; 27.3%). Using a stratified random sampling tools and techniques, 373 people were interviewed. 92.2% (SE±0.057) people use Berberis for medicinal purpose. Similarly, 19.3% (SE±37.375) for firewood, 2.41% (SE±1.692) commercial, 2.41% cultural, 16.08% fodder (SE±11.474), 19.03% fencing (SE±6.895) and 100% grazing (SE±1.035). Every year a total of 19.428 metric tons (MT) of Berberis is used for medicinal, firewood, commercial, fodder and fences purposes. Descriptive and inferential techniques were employed to analyze data. Rampant unwise developmental activities(-30.77%) and unchecked grazing (-22.12%) are key depressing forces against Berberis population. Berberis species have become critically endangered in the area. Moreover, community perceptions are also beriberi-phobic (anti-Berberis). Negligence on this part may potentially ruinous for its existence.

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