Investigation of grazing on plant diversity using rank-abundance model (Case study: Arid and semi-arid Kalimany rangelands in north Khorasan province)

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Research Paper 01/02/2013
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Investigation of grazing on plant diversity using rank-abundance model (Case study: Arid and semi-arid Kalimany rangelands in north Khorasan province)

Hasan Vahid, Jalal Mahmoudi, Mosa Akbarlou, Sayed Khadijeh Mahdavi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 2), 24-31, February 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


This research is preformed in arid and semi-arid in Kalimany rangelands in north Khorasan province in order to study the effect of grazing on plant diversity using an ordering abundance model. Selecting standard area in evolved 50 plots each 1 m2, were established randomly in this site. In each plot, canopy cover and density percentage were measured. In this way, diversity indices in clouding log series, log normal, Geometric model and MacArthur’s broken stick, with Biodap Software were evaluated. Results show that grazing region did not follow from broken stick and geometric model. But, plant diversity complied with the log series and log normal (p<0.05(. Thus, it can be concluded plant diversity is declining due to grazing still not reach to critical stage and it is in a transitional period. Hence, level of plant diversity can be improved by applying systematic strategic such as controlling the number of permissible livestock and also utilization season.


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