Investigation of oak decline and its relation to physiographic factors in the forests of West of Iran (case study: Ilam Province)

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Research Paper 01/08/2014
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Investigation of oak decline and its relation to physiographic factors in the forests of West of Iran (case study: Ilam Province)

Jalal Nourinejad, Ali Rostami
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 2), 201-207, August 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


The forest trees decline is important phenomenon that usually it emerges or increases due to climate change. Recently this phenomenon has occurred with extensive trees decline in the Zagros oak forest. The purpose of this study is identifying centers of decline associated with topographic factors, investigating the correlation tree diameter with tree decline and comparing the decline between seed tree and coppice tree in Ilam province. With this purpose was investigated the 1700 hectares area in forests of Ilam Province. We used one hundred percent inventory method and it was measured and recorded the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of all declined trees. Variance analysis results obtained from comparing the effect of elevation and aspect on oak decline indicated that elevation hadn’t significant effect on the extent of oak forest decline. Also results showed that slope had a significant effect on the extent of oak decline. This meaningfulness is positive, as increased by increasing slope percentage on oak decline. Pearson’s correlation results about topographical factors and oak decline showed that slope has a positive signification correlation with the extent and percentage of oak decline. Correlation results in regard to decline relationship with elevation and aspect variables suggested lack of meaningful correlation between these factors.


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