Involvement of Filipino student leaders on environment-related programs, projects and activities

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Research Paper 01/03/2019
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Involvement of Filipino student leaders on environment-related programs, projects and activities

Redentor S. Palencia
Int. J. Biosci.14( 3), 463-469, March 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Damage to the environment is one of the major threats that humankind is facing today. Protection and preservation of the environment for sustainable development is the prime concern ahead of the human community. The study endeavors to assess the level of involvement of student leaders in the promotion of environmental education and protection. The aim to the study was to assess the level of involvement of student leaders in promoting environmental and protection by the organizations in implementing environment-related initiatives. Findings of the study revealed that student leaders have a fair level of involvement to the different environment-related activities initiated by the student government. It is also evidential that the student-leaders are manifesting awareness and concern towards environmental protection activities. This is a good start for the student leaders to have a better understanding of environmental problems and issues arising at present time. Further, limited organizational funds, no sustainability of the different environmental-related activities, time constraints were the expressed very serious and serious problems encountered by the student leaders. Student leadership through student organizations is an effective tool in promoting environmental education and protection provided that will be given strong support. Student empowerment through student organizations can promote student involvement in the most pressing concerns of environment protection.


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