Isolation and characterization of psychrotrophic cellulolytic bacteria from landfill site under temperate climatic conditions

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Research Paper 01/11/2018
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Isolation and characterization of psychrotrophic cellulolytic bacteria from landfill site under temperate climatic conditions

Basharat Hamid, Arshid Jehangir, Zahoor Ahamd Baba, Imran Khan
Int. J. Biosci.13( 5), 92-102, November 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


In temperate regions due to lower temperatures the decomposition of cellulosic material is slow due to reduced metabolic activities of microbes. However, psychrotrophic bacteria could be isolated and used for enhanced decomposition of accumulating biodegradable municipal waste.  Hence the present study was aimed at the isolation and characterization of psychrotrophic cellulolytic bacteria with efficient enzyme activities. By following serial dilution and spread plate technique a total of 8 psychrotrophic cellulolytic bacteria were isolated on carboxy methyl cellulose agar media (CMC) at pH of 7.0 and temperature of 15°C after 48 hours. The isolates were screened for carboxymethyl cellulase (CMCase) activities qualitatively through congo red dilution assay and quantitatively through Dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method at different temperatures and incubation periods. Qualitative analysis revealed significant enzyme productions by isolates through formation of hydrolysis zones on CMC agar media with the isolate CB2 producing maximum hydrolysis zone diameter of 16mm after 72 hours. Quantitative CMCase analysis was in accordance with qualitative test and the isolate CB2 again showed highest CMCase activity of 2.33UmL-1.Based on morphological, biochemical and molecular characteristics (16SrRNA analysis) the isolate CB2 showed 96% similarity with Bacillus flexus. It was concluded that the study taken was a new work from the region and the isolates showed good enzyme activities at lower temperatures that could be either used for enhanced waste decomposition or could have industrial applications.


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