Isolation and purification of allelochemicals from Cephalaria syriaca plant

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Isolation and purification of allelochemicals from Cephalaria syriaca plant

Kawa Abdulkareem Ali, Faisal Qadir Sakri, Qing X. Li
Int. J. Biosci.2( 7), 90-103, July 2012.
Certificate: IJB 2012 [Generate Certificate]


This study was conducted to investigate the existence of allelochemicals in Cephalaria syriaca endemic weed plants, the process of purification and isolation of allelochemicals started from the plants root, shoot, seeds 70% methanolic extracts then it passed series of solvent solvent extractions with indicating the inhibitory effect of each fraction. Finally the 100% active fraction that caused 100% germination inhibition were HPLC system was employed for indicating the allelochemicals in the three studies plant parts and results indicated ten phenolic compounds which were, gallic acid, P-hydroxy benzoic acid, protocatechuic acid, Vanillic acid, Syringic acid, Sinapic acid, phluroglucinol, Chlorogenic acid, Xanthotoxine, and Chlorocatechol. Eight of these compounds were identified for the first time beside 27 unknown compounds. These results indicated the importance of that plant not only as medicinal plant but also as an alternative of herbicides for controlling weed plants.


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