Isolation of endophytes from potato and their antagonist effect against Fusarium oxysporum

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Research Paper 01/07/2020
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Isolation of endophytes from potato and their antagonist effect against Fusarium oxysporum

Masood Ahmad, Sonia Jamil, Muhammad Qasim, Gulshan Zahra, Muhammad Zubair, Saira Fatima, Qamer Naseer, Mah Rukh, Aqsa Aslam, Shehnaz Kousar, Kashif Waqas
J. Bio. Env. Sci.17( 1), 73-77, July 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Plant endophytes may be intercellular or intracellular depending upon their location in the plant tissue because they are present inside the cells or in the intracellular space, respectively. Isolation of endophytic bacteria has been reported from both monocot and dicot plants, ranging from woody trees, such as teak and pear, to herbaceous crop plants such as mustard and maize. The aim of this study was the isolation of endophytes from potato and their antagonist effect against Fusarium oxysporum. Endophytic fungi were isolated from leaves, stems and roots of healthy Potato plant derived from Chak No.359/E.B Village, Tehsil Burewala. Isolation of endophytic fungi from plant parts was done according to the method described by Petrini. The media used in the present study was the Potatodextrose agar (PDA) for fungus and nutrient agar medium for maintaining bacterial stains. F.oxysporum was taken from the Plant pathology lab of UAF sub-campus Burewala-Vehari . The results of the experiment clearly revealed that the stems, root and leaf of the potato plants under present investigation had the maximum colonization frequency for fungal endophytes. Fusarium oxysporum showed rapid growth 5-7cm in5 days. Fusarium oxysporum was white and growing rapidly that later produced dark violet pigments in PDA. Erwinia showed light green, circular, shining, slimy, smooth characteristics. The isolate strain of Bacillus showed rodshaped, fuzzy white or slightly yellow circular and irregular characteristics.


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