Detection of fungi associated with water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes in Iraq and their pathogenicity under controlled condition

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Detection of fungi associated with water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes in Iraq and their pathogenicity under controlled condition

Hurria Hussien Al-Juboory, Hussein Sadeq Musa
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 2), 24-31, February 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The study was carried out in the laboratories at the Faculty of Agriculture, Baghdad University to isolate and identify the species of fungi that associated with water Hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes. The samples were   collected from Tigris river side’s at Al- Kraat area in north of Baghdad, Iraq. The presence ratios of fungi were recorded and their pathogenicity was tested.  Results of isolation and identification showed  the presence of fourteen fungi associated with water Hyacinth leaves including; Alternaria sp., Aspergillus flavus,  Aspergillus niger,  Drechslera sp.,  Chaetomium sp., Cladosporium sp.,  Fusarium solani,  Macrophomina   phaseolin,  Mucor sp., Mycelia Sterile Fungi, Pythium aphanidermatum, Ulocladium sp.,  Rhizopus  sp. and Trichoderma sp. at different percentages . However, the percentages of presence were deferent and the most frequently were A. alternata and Rhizopus sp. reached 76.33% and 80.40 % respectively. The percentages of the other fungi were ranged between 4.25% -30.60 %.   It has been found that nine of these fungi, the more prevalent, showed  high capacity of inducing infection on Water hyacinth leaves at percentages ranged between44.4% – 100% compared with zero infection in control. Macrophomina   phaseolina, Pythium aphanidermatum and Rhizopus sp. were found to be the more pathogenic with disease severity attained to 100 %. Different symptoms were developed on the leaves inoculated with different fungi as spotting and wilting followed by leaves dryness. This is the first report for fungi associated with water hyacinth leaves at   Al-Kraat area in Iraq.


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