Geo-spatial analysis and modelling of water borne diseases in District Multan

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Geo-spatial analysis and modelling of water borne diseases in District Multan

Hameed Ullah, Rana Waqar Aslam, Sajid Rashid Ahmad, Muhammad Ameer Nawaz Akram, Muhammad Burhan Khalid, Kanwal Javid, Aqsa Aziz, Danish Raza
J. Bio. Env. Sci.19( 3), 23-35, September 2021.
Certificate: JBES 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Pakistan offers the nation’s citizens basic health care with a well-developed primary and public health system but the health sector is underdeveloped in the Southern areas of Punjab and Multan district is prominent area. Multan District has developed and evolved over time, but it still struggles to provide basic health services to its people, especially in rural areas. In rural areas, small health units are springing up, but they are under-equipped, and the workforce is under-trained and uneducated. In the Multan district, a total of 82 BHUs were chosen for this report. Five of the most common diseases in the study region have been identified and affect the population at an alarming rate. In the district of Multan, these five diseases are distributed unequally and affect people in different proportions and result in an annual death rate of 1000 people. In addition, the overall analysis of registered patients into BHUs is geographically represented. People who are diagnosed with different diseases on a yearly basis are often represented using graded colour scheme maps. Water samples were collected from various locations in order to link water-borne diseases to drinking water, as contaminated water is one of the leading causes of these diseases. The study’s results showed that areas with low water quality (contaminated water) have a high number of patients (water-borne diseases), proving the study’s validity. In rural areas with limited access to basic services and a lack of basic quality-of-life initiatives, a study was conducted to identify water-borne diseases.


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