Loss of arable land due to rapid urbanization: a remote sensing based study on Gujrat District, Pakistan

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Loss of arable land due to rapid urbanization: a remote sensing based study on Gujrat District, Pakistan

Naima Anwar, Saima Siddiqui
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 3), 38-47, September 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


District Gujrat is a 27th largest district of Punjab, Pakistan which endures high growth rate of population resulting expansion in infrastructure. Gujrat has 91% of its total land area as arable land which is the limited and the most valuable resource. The arable land is being consumed by the process of urbanization. Gradual increase in built-up is directly decreasing arable land and permeable surfaces. The current research was aimed to identify expansion of built-up areas mainly on arable land and to estimate the loss of arable land suing GIS and RS techniques. Remotely sensed data (Landsat TM-1993, ETM+ 2003 and TIRS 2017) was used to evaluate the land use and land cover classification. Secondary data were collected from soil survey of Pakistan. GIS technologies and statistical approach were used to analyze quantitative and spatial attribute data. Results proved that District Gujrat is losing 0.1% arable land annually and if such loss remains continue, then within next 500 years Gujrat will loss all of its arable land. National and local administrative bodies need to formulate policies and legal laws for urban growth directions. By managing urban expansion towards unproductive or barren areas, the loss of arable land can be minimized.


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