Kinetic studies on malachite green dye adsorption from aqueous solutions by Algae with Chitosan nanocomposite adsorbent: Nanocomposite synthesis and characterization

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Research Paper 10/03/2023
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Kinetic studies on malachite green dye adsorption from aqueous solutions by Algae with Chitosan nanocomposite adsorbent: Nanocomposite synthesis and characterization

SP. Manobala, S. Amutha, E. Pushpalakshmi, T. Madhumitha, R. Venkateshwari, S. Rajaduraipandian, G. Annadurai
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 3), 9-21, March 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Water polluted by dyestuffs compounds is a global threat to health and the environment; accordingly, we prepared a green novel sorbent chemical and Physical system from an algae, chitosan and chitosan nanoparticle and impregnated with algae with chitosan nanocomposite for the sorption of Malachite green dye from water. The algae with chitosan nanocomposite by a simple method and used as a recyclable and effective adsorbent for the removal of malachite green dye from aqueous solutions. Algae, chitosan, chitosan nanoparticle and algae with chitosan nanocomposite were characterized using different physicochemical methods. The functional groups and chemical compounds found in algae, chitosan, chitosan algae, chitosan nanoparticle, and chitosan nanoparticle with algae were identified using FTIR, SEM, and TGADTA/DTG techniques. The optimal adsorption conditions, different dosages, pH and Temperature the amount of algae with chitosan nanocomposite were determined. At optimized conditions and the batch equilibrium studies more than 99% of the dye was removed. The adsorption process data matched well kinetics showed that the reaction order for dye varied with pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order. Furthermore, the maximum adsorption capacity of the algae with chitosan nanocomposite toward malachite green dye reached as high as 15.5mg/g, respectively. Finally, multiple times reusing of algae with chitosan nanocomposite and removing dye from a real wastewater has made it a promising and attractive option for further practical applications.

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