Knowledge and behavior on safe motherhood practice among pregnant mothers in rural area of Bangladesh

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Research Paper 01/09/2016
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Knowledge and behavior on safe motherhood practice among pregnant mothers in rural area of Bangladesh

Khan Nasrin Jahan
Int. J. Biosci.9( 3), 23-34, September 2016.
Certificate: IJB 2016 [Generate Certificate]


A detailed cross-sectional type of study conducted among the mother of reproductive age who are pregnant & having more than one children attending in Obstetric & Gynecology Out Patient Department in Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital to assess the present level of knowledge on safe motherhood practices. The sample size was 170 were selected purposively, and the study area was selected for easy access. The respondents were interviewed with the help of a pre-tested structured questionnaire. In this study, socio-economical, educational & occupational characteristics of mothers, ever received ANC, PNC were found. In this study, most of the mothers 38 percent were in age group of 21-25 years, followed by 30 percent in 26-30 years, then 24 percent were below 20 years and only small number 8 percent above 30 years, all of them mean age was 24.62 (SD ± 4.515). The literacy rate was 42 percent. The majority of women were homemaker 92 percent, only 21.18 percent had the knowledge on ANC visit 4-5 times & rest of them no adequate knowledge of ANC visit. In this study most of the respondent about 62.35 percent had knowledge about medical care is required during pregnancy and rest 37.65 percent of them had no knowledge about medical care. This study also revealed that 51.20 percent respondent got information from health care provider, and rest of them knew from other sources. There is significant association with socio-demo-cultural factors and its variables like religion, education, age at marriage, and place for safe delivery P values are: p < 0.025, p < 0.000, p < 0.001, p < 0.001 which is < 0.05. Worldwide emphasis is given on safe motherhood to reduce the high prevalence of maternal morbidity and mortality. A large segment of the mother was found illiterate, and the similar segment was found to have a financial hardship. Proper knowledge on safe motherhood did not reach to the mother as well as to the society to change their attitude regarding care of the pregnant women. Therefore it is evident from this study as well as other studies in our country, a good percentage of people are not fully aware of the various components of safe motherhood. So the present study findings suggestion for an integrated program to the enhancement of knowledge regarding safe motherhood.


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