Knowledge and practice of vitamin D toxicity among people of Saudi Arabia-A cross-sectional study

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Knowledge and practice of vitamin D toxicity among people of Saudi Arabia-A cross-sectional study

Shouq Adel Alanazi, Amal Mohammed Almalki, Bashayer Atiah Alatwi, Uzma Faridi
Int. J. Biosci.20( 6), 176-184, June 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Vitamin D deficiency is very common among the people of Saudi Arabia. Majority of the population here is aware of it and most of the people try to have medication without checking their vitamin D level or even consulting the doctors, due to Vitamin D related toxicity is very common among the general public. The aim to conduct this cross section survey was to study the awareness of Vitamin D deficiency and toxicity among the population of Saudi Arabia. The cross-sectional study was conducted by developing questionnaire related to the deficiency and the toxicity of vitamin D, The questionnaire was generated in Tabuk city, Saudi Arabia in March, 2022. 400 people participated in the survey out of which were mostly female participants. The education level of the participants was highest among the age of 31-45 and educational qualification was at university level. Results indicated that the general population is well aware of vitamin D deficiency but they had very little knowledge about vitamin D intoxication.


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