Knowledge, perception and attitude towards the current status of Cagayan de Oro River, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/11/2017
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Knowledge, perception and attitude towards the current status of Cagayan de Oro River, Philippines

Joy C. Bete, Giselle Gina Marie S. Esquinas, Joly Bee A. Olila, Marecris Y. Tatoy
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 5), 313-320, November 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Rivers and river systems played a key role in the emergence of the world’s ancient civilization. Increasing knowledge, awareness and appreciation of the diverse values of the current status of CDO River, is necessary to create the willingness to undertake the behavioural changes required to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity. This study aims to determine the socio-demographic profile; assess knowledge, perception and attitude; identify problems in Cagayan de Oro River and recommend management measures. The respondents were randomly selected and the research instrument used is survey questionnaire; and both qualitative and quantitative research design were applied. The research was conducted at Brgy. Consolacion, Cagayan De Oro City. The results revealed that, out of 100 respondents, majority of them are aware of the programs conducted by the LGU’s and other agencies to maintain water resources management. On the other hand, the community doesn’t give any priorities to such concern, instead they focused on their livelihood for a living. In addition, the researchers concluded that, the current status of Cagayan de Oro River is no longer the same compared before. Cagayan de Oro River today is more polluted, containing lesser number of fishes, and water quality diminished over time. Hence, the researchers would like to recommend for future researches to come up with some management measures and strategies to protect water resources especially in Cagayan de Oro River.


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