Land evaluation for rubber cultivation

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Research Paper 01/07/2017
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Land evaluation for rubber cultivation

Adzemi Mat Arshad
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.11( 1), 24-31, July 2017.
Certificate: IJAAR 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The FAO Framework for Land Evaluation was used for the development of a land evaluation for rubber cultivation in district of Temerloh and Kuantan, Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia. The combined limitation and parametric approach was used as it contributed to a more meaningful interpretation of the results. Eleven series soils were chosen to analyze the land evaluation system. The system of Sys et al. was used for the evaluation using land characteristics. The results showed that the evaluation using land characteristics for land evaluation was preferred due to its simplicity and the data required are obtainable from soil survey reports.


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