Land suitability evaluation to increase Hiyung cayenne pepper production at Tapin district South Kalimantan Province

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Research Paper 01/09/2021
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Land suitability evaluation to increase Hiyung cayenne pepper production at Tapin district South Kalimantan Province

Meidy Harris Prayoga, Ahmad Alim Bahri, Yusuf Azis, Emy Rahmawati
Int. J. Biosci.19( 3), 126-140, September 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Tapin is one of the districts in South Kalimantan Province, which has a leading sector in agriculture. The agricultural sector contributed 19.6% of the total GRDP value in 2019 but could not significantly increase the regional economy, so this sector needs to be developed. In actual conditions, the yield of Hiyung cayenne pepper was only 145 ha, while the productivity has 11.01 ton ha-1. The large amount of land that has not been utilized in the Tapin Regency opens up great opportunities for agricultural extensification or expansion of planting areas. This research aims to determine the area of ​​land that is suitable and available to increase production. Matching criteria analysis was used to obtain an appropriate and available land area. The results indicated that the land suitability class for Hiyung chili in Tapin Regency was divided into 12 classes. The suitable land area available for Hiyung cayenne pepper in Tapin Regency is 60,380 ha or 28.03% of the total land area. The land suitability class for Hiyung cayenne pepper in Tapin Regency is dominated by class S3 (d, p, ch) with limiting factors in the form of drainage, pH and rainfall in Candi Laras Selatan and Candi Laras Utara subdistricts.


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