Land use change on mangrove forest conservation of Kelumpang Bay nature reserve, South Kalimantan

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Research Paper 01/11/2014
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Land use change on mangrove forest conservation of Kelumpang Bay nature reserve, South Kalimantan

Mufidah Asyari, Udiansyah, BagyoYanuwiadi, M. Luthfi Rayes
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 5), 262-273, November 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Rapid population triggered the function conversion of land for agriculture, farming and settlement. It also occurred in the area of nature reserve that should not experienced function-change of the land. The research was conducted to assess the land use change in Kelumpang Bay Nature Reserve, South Kalimantan in 2000, 2003, 2006, 2001, and 2012 using Landsat 7 Enhancement Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) imageries. Total covering area of the research is 29.925.738 hectare. Land use identify by Land sat 7 ETM+ on screen image interpretation. Spatial analysis used Two Dimensional Matrix Overlay Method (Pivot Table). Application of GIS (9.3 Arc View program) was used for covered land analysis. We compared the two land use maps on different years. The results showed that there was a change of land use in 12 years (from 2000 to 2012) in the Kelumpang Bay Nature Reserve (KBNR). Primary mangrove forest area decrease in the area of 952.91 ha (3.18%), while the secondary mangrove forest decreases for 28.07 ha (0.09%). The mangrove area reduction was caused by the deforestation for the use of timber. There were increasing of the land use conversion for shrub-lands swamp for 571.16 ha (1.91%), 157.98 ha of ponds (0.53%), the open land for 116.67 ha (0.39%), the mines for 76.98 ha (0.25%), shrubs for 63.20 ha (0.21%), the plantation for 62.42 ha (0.21%), and settlement for 34.58 ha (0.12%). The increased land conversion should not occur because it will destroy the function of the area as a nature reserve.


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