Land use changes and their influence in the conservation of plant diversity within a small Binaba watershed

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Research Paper 01/01/2019
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Land use changes and their influence in the conservation of plant diversity within a small Binaba watershed

Roger T. Sarmiento, Joel A. Mercado
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 1), 139-150, January 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Land uses are one of the prime causes in the loss or fragmentation of natural habitats and their species. In a small watershed in Agusan del Sur, the diversity of plant species were assessed using standard vegetation sampling technique developed by Hill (2005) as basis for the formulation of an integrated watershed management plan to reduce adverse cost of land use change on the remaining biodiversity. Results showed that the vegetation was composed of about 166 vascular plant species belonging to 134 genera and 64 families having an overall Shannon-Weiner diversity index (H’) of 2.546 described to be moderately high. A number of ecologically sensitive species were encountered in the area such as the critically endangered Shorea palosapis and Shorea contorta. Relative to its area, the watershed has been subjected to diverse land-uses that directly affect richness of plant species either native or introduced in the area. Appropriate monitoring and area control therefore should be taken utmost consideration in the formulation of the management plan.


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