Land use type affects butterfly diversity: a case study of the university of ghana, main campus, Legon

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Land use type affects butterfly diversity: a case study of the university of ghana, main campus, Legon

Rosina Kyerematen, Anita Akuamoah-Boateng, Daniel Acquah-Lamptey, Roger Sigismund Anderson
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 5), 205-214, November 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Butterflies are known to be well distributed worldwide, however, the different species and their occurrence in an area depend on various factors such as the extent of ecological damage and the availability of suitable food plants. The main campus of the University of Ghana, the largest University in Ghana, which covers an area of 11.4 km2 was divided according to land use type into four areas and butterflies were sampled from these areas. Species diversity, composition and abundance were compared. A total of 1316 specimens representing 54 species from 9 families were recorded. The Botanical Garden (BG) with the highest diversity of plants and the least amount of human disturbance recorded the highest numbers (N=586) as well as diversity (S=53) while the Academic Areas (AA) with the highest amount of human activity recorded the lowest numbers (N=60) as well as diversity (S=16).


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