Larval rearing and observation of larval development of freshwater goby, Glossogobius giuris; a preliminary study

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Research Paper 01/11/2013
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Larval rearing and observation of larval development of freshwater goby, Glossogobius giuris; a preliminary study

Mst. Hasnahena, Md. Sherazul Islam, Md. Rezwanul Hasan, Aeyrin Afroz, Dilshad Milky Tuly
Int. J. Biosci.3( 11), 198-204, November 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


The artificial propagated larvae of freshwater goby, Glossogobius giuris were reared first time in the aquarium condition in Bangladesh. The larvae were reared in two different stocking densities & development stages observed from both. The larval development progress were examined under electronic microscope and stages were categorized into five distinguish stages on the basis of their ontogenetic development with time. In the first stage, the pigmented eye and large yolk sac was clearly visible within 12 hours of hatch. In the second stage within 24 hours of hatching yolk sac partially reduced, tail thickened, turbid yolk sac turned to be diluted. The yolk sac was convex interiorly and become tubular due to greater absorption of yolk sac interiorly in the third stage within 48 hours of hatching. Notochord and otolith development also noticed in this stage. In the fourth stage, within 96 hours, mandible and myomeres were developed. In the last observed stage, the yolk sac was completely disappeared within 100-120 hours of hatching.


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