Larval rearing and observation of larval development stages of Colisafasciata in captive condition

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Research Paper 01/11/2020
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Larval rearing and observation of larval development stages of Colisafasciata in captive condition

Md. Sherazul Islam, Lipika Rani Ray, Prianka Paul
Int. J. Biosci.17( 5), 116-123, November 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The early development information is a necessity to reproduction and rearing of larvae of any fish in the hatchery. The larvae of the Colisa fasciata were reared and examined the stages of larval development in captive conditions. The survival rate of larvae also checked in different water sources and an improved survival rate was observed in rainwater (39%) than the pond and supplied tap water. The main aspects of the larval period were yolk absorption, active body movements, the start of the exogenous feeding, body pigmentation, organogenesis, and fins differentiation. New hatchlings were 1.05 mm long with a large yolk sac, devoid of mouth and pigmentation. The development consequences happen sharply within the first 4-5 days and then it was slowly developing all other characteristics. Eyes became pigmented within 1st day of hatching and the pigmentation in the body also started from the same period. The pectoral fin buds appeared on the 2nd day while the yolk sac gradually reduced and larvae started a short span of swimming.  The yolk sac was completely absorbed on the 4th day after hatching and started exogenous feeding. The development of notochord exhibits from 16th days and the larvae resembled the adult in its external features and were completed metamorphosis within 21st days of post-hatching. However, the development of some organs (like barbs) showed in later and further development of the existing organs showed until the 40th days of post-hatching. These findings could be used as baseline information to the hatchery operator to rearing of the larvae properly which will be encouraged to large-scale seed production of the fish in the near future.


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