Larval rearing of lesser spiny eel, Macrognathus aculeatus in the captivity with emphasis on their development stages

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Larval rearing of lesser spiny eel, Macrognathus aculeatus in the captivity with emphasis on their development stages

Md. Sherazul Islam, Rabaka Sultana, Prianka Paul
Int. J. Biosci.11( 5), 93-103, November 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The lesser spiny eel, Macrognathus aculeatus locally known as tara baim has been gaining importance for its food and ornamental values in Bangladesh. The species is declining rapidly from natural habitat and not yet reported as culture fish in the country due to mostly lack of hatchery-produced larvae. It is important to know breeding biology particularly larval development for their commercial seed production. In the present study, induced larvae were reared in the captive aquarium and their larval development stages were examined. The larvae were reared for 15 days in three treatments with three different sources of water. Though water parameters did not differ significantly among three treatments, the survival rate differed significantly (P>0.05). The highest average survival rate was observed in T1 (42%) which was filled with rain water followed by the T2 (pond water; 33.5%) and T3 (supplied tap water; 19.5%) respectively. The larval development progresses were examined under electronic microscope and stages were categorized on the basis of their ontogenetic development with time. The development progress was broadly categorized into two-phase such as pre-larval (up to yolk absorption) and post-larval stage (up to metamorphosis). The larval development progress resembled to other eel fishes except some progress deviation with time. The newly hatched larvae were yellowish, transparent body with the total length of 2.08 ± 0.02 mm. The yolk sac was disappeared completely and started to exogenous feeding within 72 hrs of hatching but the larvae not yet fully metamorphosis resembled to Juvenile fish at 15 days of rearing.


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